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  Authentic Worship

Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.

Join Us in Worship!

In-person & Streaming  LIVE every Sunday at 10 a.m.

The virtual Order of Worship can be found here.

"Do Unto Others"

New Fall Sermon Series

Just as water reflects the face, so one human heart reflects another. – Proverbs 27:19 (NRSVUE)


Our world seems to be consumed with division–often typified by the colors red and blue. Rather than stay in our monochromatic silos, the Golden Rule in scripture challenges us to engage in conversation and seek to create whatever common good we can with our relatives, friends, and neighbors whom we might consider to be on the “other side” politically and ideologically. As we attempt to come together, the idea is not that we are obliterating either one or trying to change each other, but instead, we discover the beauty that can be created when we work together to make the world a better place. The “purple space” is where we cultivate kindness, compassion, humility, respect, and love for one another and the good of all the world, no matter wha

Part 2 - "The Polarization Within: Compassion”

Rev. Debra Brady

Isaiah 11: 6-9 (NRSVUE)

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Because we are complex beings living in a complex world, we sometimes deal with conflict within ourselves in addition to conflict between us. Research tells us that because humans are desperate for a sense of cohesion and belonging in these confusing times, we are hanging onto ideological generalities instead of treating ourselves and each other with the compassion required to alleviate despair. 

Children's Sunday School Lesson for September 8

 God Creates People   

Genesis 1: 26 - 2: 4

This week, we will continue to hear about our creative God and the story of how God made people. God created us to do good things. Each one of us is full of God’s goodness.

Press the play button to watch this week's Sunday school lesson.

Nursery Care & Children Sunday School Schedule

As United Methodists, we believe in welcoming and nurturing the children in our church family.  We offer Nursery Care and Children's Sunday School during Sunday worship. 

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For information on our Children and Youth Ministries and activities, please contact the church office at

(209) 522-9046 or email us at





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Whatever your prayer needs, finding peace of mind provides a foundation of strength to face any situation. Your request is a sacred trust and is confidential.


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News & Events

4th Annual Falling Leaf Boutique & Pantry

Saturday, October 5 | Fellowship Hall | 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

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Invite your friends and family!

Discover beautiful treasures and much more! 

Gather your friends and family and join us at the 4th Annual Falling Leaf Boutique & Pantry! Explore an array of stunning treasures and much more. Your participation will help address food insecurity and mental health issues among our community's youth and college students.

FUMC Birthday Fellowship & Ministry Information Fair

Sunday, September 8 | Fellowship Hall | after worship

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Ministry Fair

The Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) invites the congregation, members and visitors alike to a Ministry Information Fair on Sunday, September 8, immediately after worship. Enjoy birthday cake and browse the information tables to learn more about how First UMC Modesto supports our congregation and community and how you might wish to join these activities. 

English as a Speaking Language (ESL) Classes Coming to FUMC!

Join us for an ESL Informational Meeting

Sunday, September 22 | Conference Room | after worship

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FUMC Modesto is excited to host ESL (English as a Second Language) classes beginning in November! Alison Cruz felt called to this ministry and helped the church secure a Mustard Seed Grant from UMCOR to launch the program. The goal is to help adult learners become more comfortable with their English skills and expand our church community! The class will ta

take place on Sundays during worship from November through February, with childcare provided through our Children's Sunday School.

Are you interested in learning more about this exciting new ministry? Everyone is welcome to attend the ESL Informational meeting on Sunday, September 22. Lunch will be provided. Contact Alison Cruz at with questions.

Contact the church office at (209) 522-9046 or email for more event information.

More Upcoming Events

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