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  Authentic Worship

Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.

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In-person & Streaming  LIVE every Sunday at 10 a.m.

The virtual Order of Worship can be found here.

October Stewardship Sermon Series

"It's A Wonder-Full  Life"

A four-week worship series drawing from the movie It's a Wonderful Life"

and the book Integrating Money and Meaning.

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Spiritual practice feeds that part of ourselves that is oriented toward serenity, harmony, truth, compassion, gratitude, love, and joy. But these are not always words we use to describe the role of money in our lives. In the classic film “It’s a Wonderful Life,” a money crisis creates vastly diverse reactions from several characters that can hold up a mirror to our relationships with money. In this four-week series, we will “look” squarely at the face of our money issues in compassionate ways that can offer more depth of meaning, healing, and wholeness and a whole new “outlook” on what constitutes a wonderful life.

Sunday, October 13, 2024 | 21st Sunday after Pentecost

Part 2 - "Looking In” | Rev. Debra Brady

Matthew 6: 29-24 (CEB)

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George Bailey gets a wonderful gift of seeing what his world would have been like without him in it. We live an “incarnational” faith–the belief that, like Jesus, our faith is not just an idea but gets lived out in our actions in the world. This week we integrate money and meaning by looking in at the courageous vision for our presence and impact in the world. This is the bedrock for how we “spend” our assets – time, energy, and money – so that we approach the life we have left with attentiveness and intentionality to making it a “wonder-full” life.

Children's Sunday School Lesson

 God's Promise to Abraham   

                                             Genesis 12: 1-9
God told a man named Abraham that he should leave his home and go to a new place. Abraham trusted God, and so he and his family moved. Wherever they went, they trusted God and knew he was always with them.

Press the play button to watch this week's Sunday school lesson.

Nursery Care & Children Sunday School Schedule

As United Methodists, we believe in welcoming and nurturing the children in our church family.  We offer Nursery Care and Children's Sunday School during Sunday worship. 

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For information on our Children and Youth Ministries and activities, please contact the church office at

(209) 522-9046 or email us at





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Whatever your prayer needs, finding peace of mind provides a foundation of strength to face any situation. Your request is a sacred trust and is confidential.


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News & Events

English as a Speaking Language (ESL) Classes Coming to First UMC Modesto!

Begins, Sunday, November 3 | 10:00 a.m.

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FUMC Modesto is excited to host ESL (English as a Second Language) classes beginning Sunday, November 3. We aim to help adult learners become more comfortable with their English skills and expand our church community! The class will take place on Sundays during worship from November through February, with childcare provided through our Children's Sunday School. No registration is required.

Help Spread the Word!

You can pick up some ESL class flyers at the Info Center Table in the narthex. ESL students often hear about classes from their friends, family, neighbors, & clients.


Are you looking for a role with more contact with the students? The ESL team also needs more lead teachers & hospitality helpers. The time commitment is once or twice a month - at most! Contact Alison Cruz for teaching at and Jennifer Ward for hospitality at

Contact the church office at (209) 522-9046 or email for more event information.

More Upcoming Events

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