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  Authentic Worship

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Sunday, December 22, 2024

 Chancel Choir Cantata- "A Thrill of Hope"

4th Sunday of Advent

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The Chancel Choir will present the Christmas musical “A Thrill of Hope” by Joel Raney. The title comes from John Dwight’s “O Holy Night,” which serves as the cornerstone of this musical. The music explores the themes of Advent – hope, peace, joy, and love as we welcome Emmanuel – God With Us.

Celebrate the Advent Season at First UMC Modesto!

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As we experience the Advent season, we consider how our churches become houses where the Holy will be born anew – offering respite, sustenance, and care, opening the doors ever wider to those seeking shelter from the onslaught of life. No one church can do it all, but each can do something. As we study the biblical prophets that call us to care for our neighbors and “make room in the inn,” the lonely and frightened spaces within us are filled with the light of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.

 Sunday, December 1                             

1st Sunday of Advent Worship | 10:00 a.m

The Sacrament of Holy Communion

“Making Room (Hope)” | Psalm 25:4-5, Jeremiah 33:14-16 (CEB)

​We usually associate fasting with Lent, but the Eastern Church observes a “Nativity Fast” in preparation for the birth of Christ, particularly fasts from gluttony. We are invited this year to an understanding of fasting as “making room” for the Holy. Let us create room for more hope in the world as we learn to reallocate and multiply resources in ways that are just and right. 


Tuesday, December 3 

Blue Christmas Service  | 7:00 p.m.                      

A meditative service in the chapel for those who find the holiday season challenging, overwhelming, or experienced with grief.​​


Sunday, December 8

 2nd Sunday of Advent Worship | 10:00 a.m.                                

                        “A Place at the Table (Peace)” | â€‹Baruch 5:1-5; Philippians 1:9-11 (CEB)

Like the childhood game of “musical chairs,” we are convinced there are not enough places at the table. So, we shrink the guest list just in case there is not enough, and we scramble to occupy the chairs first. And yet our sacred texts invite us to imagine and make real the gathering of all people to the table, robed in the garments of a Peace that comes with justice. This is what really matters– this is the fruit of what is right and good.


Friday, December 13

Christmas Concert & Carol Sing-Along | FUMC Sanctuary | 7:00 p.m.                               

Our musicians will enhance our season with beautiful music and invite us to sing our favorite carols with them.


Sunday, December 15

3rd Sunday of Advent Worship | 10:00 a.m.                                

“How Much is Enough? (Joy)” | Isaiah 12::2-6; Luke 3:10-14 (CEB)

As John baptized new converts, he invited them to live with “changed hearts and lives.” When asked how to do that, his answers all point to making sure no one is cheated or left without the basic necessities of life, including the right not to be harassed. A full life of joy, which the prophet Isaiah describes as an ever-flowing spring, is the birthright of all children of God. May we act to make it so.


Sunday, December 22

4th Sunday of Advent Worship | 10:00 a.m.                                

“A Room with a View (Love)” | Micah 5:2-5a; Luke 1:46-55 (CEB)

The Chancel Choir will present the Christmas musical “A Thrill of Hope” by Joel Raney. The music explores the themes of Advent through four musical settings: “A Thrill of Hope”, “A Gift of Love”, “A Prayer for Peace”, and “A Song of Joy”. The music features an array of familiar carols and hymns, all arranged in a wide variety of moods and musical styles, to create a riveting retelling of the Christmas story.


Tuesday, December 24 

Candlelight Christmas Eve Worship | 8:00 p.m.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion                        

“The Inn” | Isaiah 9:2-7 & Luke 2:1-20 (CEB)

It is the night we celebrate the opening of the most precious gift of presence we know — the birth of the Christ Child, the Light of the World. As we celebrate Holy Communion and light our candles, we open our hearts to becoming part of the gift of light in the world.​


Sunday, December 29

1st Sunday After Christmas Worship | 10:00 a.m.                                 

“Dwelling” | Colossians 3:12-17 (NRSV)

Developed in the 14th century, the word “dwell” became known as a “lingering” or “abiding.” It had connections to “in-habit”–another word developed at that time. After an Advent/Christmas season of focusing on housing the holy, how will we linger and abide in this habit of hospitality? What habits did you invite into your heart in this season that you desire to take with you into the new year? How might we sustain the dwelling places that feed, house, and clothe those who need it most?



Children's Sunday School Lesson Sunday, December 22

Jesus' Birth 

Luke 2: 1-20 


The time of waiting for the birth of Christ is nearly over! Today we will learn about the way Mary and Joseph ended up in Bethlehem, where Jesus would be born, and the shepherds God used to share the good news and celebrate the savior's birth.

Press the play button to watch this week's Sunday school lesson.

Nursery Care & Children Sunday School Schedule

As United Methodists, we believe in welcoming and nurturing the children in our church family.  We offer Nursery Care and Children's Sunday School during Sunday worship. 

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For information on our Children and Youth Ministries and activities, please contact the church office at

(209) 522-9046 or email us at





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Whatever your prayer needs, finding peace of mind provides a foundation of strength to face any situation. Your request is a sacred trust and is confidential.


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News & Events

Blue Christmas Service

Tuesday, December 3 | Chapel | 7:00 p.m.


Join us in the Chapel to support those of us who are struggling with the Christmas season. Many people experience nostalgia, grief, loneliness, depression, and despair and find it challenging to take joy in the holiday spirit. Keeping our feelings to ourselves only heightens our sense of isolation. If you struggle this season, you will find our Blue Christmas Service a meaningful experience. It will be a contemplative candlelight service where we can be authentic before God with all we are and feel this season.

Christmas Concert and Carol Sing-Along

Friday, December 13 | FUMC Sanctuary | 7:00 p.m.

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Warm your hearts with music this Christmas season!​

Join us for the music of the season and to sing your favorite carols. The Chancel Choir and the Praise Collective will lead traditional carols and jazzy arrangements. No charge for admission!

English as a Speaking Language (ESL) Classes Offered at First UMC Modesto

Sundays | FUMC Library, 16th & I Streets, Modesto | 10:00 a.m.

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FUMC Modesto is excited to host an ESL (English as a Second Language) class every Sunday during worship. We aim to help adult learners become more comfortable with their English skills and expand our church community!  Childcare will be provided through our Children's Sunday School. No registration is required.

​If you are interested in attending and would like more information, please contact Alison Cruz at

Contact the church office at (209) 522-9046 or email for more event information.

More Upcoming Events​

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