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Planned gifts usually are made from assets accumulated during one’s lifetime. They can be funded by appreciated securities, cash, collectibles, insurance policies, real estate, retirement accounts or other assets. The primary reason that a donor makes a gift to a charitable organization is because of a desire to support it. However, there are many other benefits that may accrue as well, such as:
● Eliminating capital gains on long-term appreciated securities.
● Providing an immediate tax deduction and maximum tax benefit.
● Enjoy lifetime income when assets are donated in the form of a Charitable Remainder Trust, a Charitable Lead Trust or a Gift Annuity.
● The ability to create a legacy for future generations.
Types of planned gifts include:
● Endowment Funds – Donors can set up a fund and either stipulate specific program
disbursement or that the fund be unrestricted and used for the general purposes of the church. Endowments carry the restriction that the principal (the original gift amount) must always be preserved, but the church is able to spend a portion of the income that is generated through the investment of the gift.
● Charitable Gift Annuities – Deferred gifts which can provide fixed annual payments during the donor or donors’ lifetimes. The residual value of the charitable gift annuity will pass to the charity upon passing of the donor.
● Charitable Remainder Trusts – Deferred gifts which can provide lifetime income for the donor or donors with the remainder going to the charity at the trust’s termination.
● Bequest – A specific amount, piece of property, and/or a percentage of an estate that is made as a provision in a will.
As part of your personal estate planning, consider including a gift to FUMC by consulting with members of the First United Methodist Church Endowment Committee. Please contact the church office for more information.
The John Wesley Society of First United Methodist Church Modesto is a chapter of the California-Nevada Annual Conference.
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